Education Module, Sermon and Working with Text
Telč, University Center of Masarykova univerzita, Zachariáše z Hradce square 2, 588 56 Telč, Czech Republic
17–21 of October, 2018.
17–21 of October, 2018.
Foreign teachers:
Rev. Dr. Diana Davies, First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City, Meadville Lombard Theological School, USA
Rev. John Harley, Bristol Unitarians, UK,
Rev. Dr. Wayne Arnason, Meadville Lombard Theological School, USA
Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, USA
Rev. Sarah Tinker, Kensington Unitarians, UK
Is the Lead Minister for the First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Rev. Davies is also a member of the Board of Trustees for Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, Illinois. Before being called to Oklahoma, she served as a consulting minister for the Unitarian Universalists of Charlestown (in Catonsville, Maryland) and completed her intern ministry at the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore (Maryland). She received her Master of Divinity from Meadville Lombard in 2017, and was awarded prizes in historical studies, academic excellence, community engagement, and the philosophy of religion. Rev. Davies also holds a PhD in Comparative Literature.
Prior to her ministry, she worked as an instructor of Russian and Comparative Literature and was a recognized leader in the field of international education. Her most recent position in higher education was as the Vice Provost for International Initiatives at Princeton University, where she led campus internationalization, managed all international partnerships, and oversaw research centres in China and Kenya. Last year, she served as a consultant to Meadville Lombard, co-organizing and facilitating a study of the school's international vision and its partnerships with Unitarian, Universalist, and UU communities in other countries.
John Harley is a British Unitarian minister working with the two Bristol congregations. He is also a part time teacher of Religious Education and a dramatherapist. He was the Youth Coordinator for the British Unitarians for over ten years. He lives in a cottage in the Dorset countryside and likes to lead art and spirituality retreats. He loves walking and writing poetry. Previously, he worked for nearly fifteen years as the Youth coordinator at General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.
Rev. Kathleen Rolenz and Rev. Dr. Wayne Arnason are a married couple of American Unitarian Universalist Ministers with a long career both in co-ministry and in distinct careers.
Rev. Kathleen is the interim senior minister in Annapolis, MD having succeeded Rev. Fred Muir. Rev. Arnason has retired from full-time ministry and serves on the Board of Meadville Lombard Theological School. Together they authored the widely-read book about Unitarian Universalist worship entitled Worship That Works. They have also edited books on contemporary Christian and Buddhist voices in American Unitarian Universalism.
Rev. Kathleen has been serving as a spiritual director, in addition to her parish ministry. Rev. Wayne's long career in denominational leadership has included serving as President of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association.
Sarah ministers with Kensington Unitarians in London since 2005 and is very involved with both ministry and lay training in the UK. Coming from a teaching background she has started her work for the Unitarians nationally as Religious Education & Youth Officer. Then she graduated at the Unitarian College in Machester and became a minister. She currently serves as chair of the Interview Panel for ministry training and is keen to know more about our Czech Academy, as it becomes ever more important to establish flexible training structures.
She helped create new materials for the British Unitarians’ Worship Studies Course and is looking forward to meeting Czech Unitarians and bringing some of these materials to our training.
Friday, October 19
Purpose of Education
09:00–09:45 Purpose of Education / Contribution of Unitarian communities to the general education, role of ministers
09:55–10:40 Purpose of Education / Continuous ministry education
10:50–11:50 Purpose of education / Continuous education of leaders, active members and volunteers
13:30–14:15 Scope of human life / What can a congregation do for prevention of personal crisis?
14:30–15:15 Scope of human life / Life stages, transition rituals
15:30–16:30 Scope of human life / Programs for personal sharing and support
Saturday, October 20
Education and working with members
09:00–09:45 Children / Starting a children program
09:55–10:40 Children / Working with parents, working with volunteers
11:00–11:45 Youth / Specifics of working with the youth
11:55–12:40 Youth / Examples of programs, inspiration and resources
14:00–14:30 Adults / Programs according to the people's needs and interests
14:40–15:25 Adults / Programs to addressing the public
15:40–16:40 Adults / Programs to increase membership
Sunday, October 21
Pedagogy and Unitarian communities
09:45–10:15 Theory / Education goals and competencies
10:20–10:50 Theory / Basic didactic principles
10:55–11:25 Theory / Methods and forms of education
11:50–12:20 Practice / Presentation skills, verbal and nonverbal communication
12:25–12:55 Practice / How to set up and organize an educational program
13:00–13:30 Practice / Preparing, leading and evaluating a program
Saturday, October 20
Wednesday, October 17
Purpose and Sense of a Sermon
15:30–16:15 Tradition / Where did the sermon come from, freedom of the pulpit and the pew
16:20–16:50 Form / Sermon x lecture and other forms of presentation
17:00–17:45 Congregation / Sermon in a context of church program, sermon topics
17:55–18:25 Goals / Therapeutic effect of sermon and other goals
Thursday, October 18
Sermon Preparation
09:00–09:45 Resources / Where to draw inspiration, keys to choosing topics, friends and social group as a source of inspiration; should one use personal experiences or only objective facts?
09:55–10:40 Methods of preparation and presentation / Exegesis
11:00–11:45 Methods of preparation and presentation / Dramatic reading, extemporaneous speaking
11:55–12:40 Techniques of speaking / Finding your own style
14:00–16:00 Sermon preparation - workshop