Context of worship module, Work for Unitarian communities module - March 2021
is the Interim Minister at First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin, in the United States. He previously served as Senior Minister of the Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Appleton, Wisconsin, for twenty-five years and as Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council for four years.
is a second generation UU minister, with dual Swiss and Canadian citizenship who received her Mdiv from Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2017. An affiliate Minister of the Church of Larger Fellowship, Rev. Lara also served as Secretary for the Executive Committee of ICUU, started the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Basel, Switzerland, and has worked with many Unitarian and UU groups around Europe and the UK. In 2019, Lara returned to her native Canada and is currently serving the first of 3 years as Interim Minister to the Unitarian Church of Vancouver, British Columbia.
Danny has served the congregations of Dunham Road Unitarian Chapel Altrincham and Queens Road Unitarian Free Church, Urmston in the North West of England, August 2010. His ministerial mantra is, come as you are exactly as you are, but do not expect to leave in exactly the same condition.
Danny found the Unitarians early in 2005. He was exploring a variety of spiritual traditions in a search for answers to many questions. He did not have a religious background but due to changes within himself he began a journey of discovery. He cannot claim to have found the answers he was seeking. if anything he has more unanswered questions today. That said he has found meaning and purpose in community, far more than he could have discovered by seeking alone. His journey into ministry began in response to a personal tragedy, perhaps this is why grief work is so central to his ministry.
Before ministry he had worked in a variety of sectors, including historical research, his first degree was in History and Politics. He also has a personal interest in health, well-being, particular addiction and recovery. In 2016 he won “Slimming World Man of the Year” and in 2017 he was made a Freeman of Altrincham in recognition to his service to the community.
Youtube Channel:
serves with the Unitarian Universalist Association as the Director of the International Office. Alicia has a passion for engaging individuals and communities in discerning what they most care about and working alongside others as they seek to enact Love and Justice in this world. She has developed a profound appreciation for self-care, grounded leadership/organizational development, and the crucial importance of meaningful connections in establishing sustainable lives.
Alicia was born and spent her formative years in Trinidad and Tobago. She identifies as a Black, queer, cis-gender woman with deep roots in Tobago. She considers herself bi-cultural and is grateful that her formative years enabled her to cultivate a global perspective. Alicia is a certified Spiritual Director and has a strong interest in health and wellness. When she's not hiking, you can find her reading, working-out, or podcast-walking. She is a graduate of The Iliff School of Theology (MDiv ’03) and currently lives with her partner and nephew in Longmont, Colorado.
Architect, educator and theoretician, director of the Department of Building Science of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he also sponsors an educational cycle on housing and is in charge of a studio. He is the author and co-author of more than 30 constructed buildings, of which many received awards at competitions of Czech and international architecture. He has also co-authored or co-edited various books and articles on modern Czech architecture and the theory of a developed environment. He is also the sponsor of a number of research projects and an expert on public professional and housing policy.
He is involved in the management of the Unitarian Church as well as in other activities (lectures and publications, expeditions abroad, sharing group). He is the director of the Unitarian Academy.
He completed his studies of Religion, Ethics and Philosophy Oriented at Education at the Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague. Even before his studies, he has worked in adult education for six years. Personal development and growth is his long-term goal. He attended many seminars, aimed at personal development, as well as a coaching training program. Presently he serves as a lay minister of the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians and attends to the needs of the Unitarian congregation in Teplice. Both his professional and personal spiritual interests are also realized through his hobby, target archery.
is a minister of the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians. He received a Master of Divinity diploma from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and his Doctor of Ministry diploma from the Chicago Theological Seminary. For a long time he has been involved in the systematic Unitarian education of ministers and lay management and is active in international Unitarian activities. He is the author of numerous studies about N.F. Čapek and early Unitarianism in Czechoslovakia, in English among other languages, and of the books. He lives with his family near Prague, and his hobbies include literature, poetry and music, especially the tradition of the Indian sitar and Pagan chants.
Please note: All times are given in Central European Time (CET).
N Module - Context of worship
Wednesday, March 24
Opening, lighting the chalice
Contemporary worship - anachronism or a crucial element of social life? (About the meaning and purpose of worship)
45 minutes
Danny Crosby
Worship as a path to personal development and establishing and strengthening spiritual communities
45 minutes
Petr Samojsky
Sharing ideas: The importance of worship in my life (moderated discussion)
45 minutes
Closing, extinguishing the chalice
Thursday, March 25
Opening, lighting the chalice
Ministerial role in creating community in a worship context: expectations, planning, authenticity, being natural while keeping professional approach
45 minutes
Danny Crosby
What are the components of worship? (main and supplementary parts, preparation, materials that can be used for it)
45 minutes
Vlastik Krejci
Sharing ideas: Rites and rituals and customs in the Unitarian worship (moderated discussion)
40 minutes
Kristyna Ledererova
Stability x variability of liturgy, intimacy x public dimension of space
45 minutes
Roger Bertschausen
Traditional and alternative forms of Unitarian worship (workshop)
45 minutes
Kristyna Ledererova
What are the attributes of worship (space and its character, time, people), attributes of the minister/worship leader (appearance, effect, behavior)
45 minutes
Lara Cowtan
Closing, extinguishing the chalice
Friday, March 26
Opening, lighting the chalice
Working for a Unitarian congregation: what does it mean? (community and its membership)
60 minutes
Danny Crosby
Mission of a congregation and its fulfilling, activities plan, characteristics of a congregation, concept of development - how to make members involved in the preparation and implementation, tradition and habits - dynamics of development
45 minutes |
Petr Samojsky
Sharing ideas: How is the Unitarian community beneficial for me and how do I contribute to the fulfillment of its meaning (moderated discussion)
30 minutes
Kristyna Ledererova
Shaping the environment of a congregation: environment, symbols, atmosphere, relationships
50 minutes
Roger Bertshausen
Worship as a pillar of the activities of every unitary community - how to get involved?
45 minutes
Lara Cowtan
Closing, extinguishing the chalice
Mentors and students meeting
Saturday, March 27
Opening, lighting the chalice
Volunteering: in general and in the Unitarian community
45 minutes
Štěpán Mairovský
Additional programs: typology, description, possibilities of use
45 minutes
Michal Kohout
Additional programs: workshop
45 minutes
Kristyna Ledererova
Methodological seminar
Pastoral care in practice, creating a supporting environment, openness and trust, relationships between members, personal boundaries
60 minutes
Roger Bertschausen
Institutionalized support service to congregations - in general, around the world
45 minutes
Alicia Forde
Institutionalized support service to congregations - in RSCU
30 minutes
Kristyna Ledererova
Discussion with lecturers
60 minutes
Petr Samojsky
Closing, extinguishing the chalice
Sunday, March 28
Opening, worship
Unitarian congregation in the 21st century: multicultural, multigenerational, safe for all; attitude to the ethical issues of the time - how to approach public issues and the public in general?
45 minutes | Vlastik Krejci |
Enclosedness x openness of Unitarian congregations, how and what to present to the public, resources, tools, roles to be involved
45 minutes | Petr Samojsky |
"Who are we here for and who do we want to be here for?" (Panel discussion and workshop)
60 minutes |
Closing ceremony