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Ethos of Unitarian Ministry / Leadership - March 2024


March 21–24, 2024

Veltrusy, Education center Schola naturalis, Veltrusy castle, Ostrov 59, 277 46 Veltrusy
Rev. Maud Robinson, Underbank Unitarians in Sheffield, UK
Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, USA
Mgr. Martin Balcar, central office of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren
Mgr. Zuzana Zděnková, Association of Public Benefit Organizations of the Czech Republic
Rev. Petr Samojský, D.Min., Prague Unitarian Congregation, OŠS, Unitarian Academy
PhDr. Kristýna Ledererová Kolajová, RSCU Executive Director, Unitarian Academy
doc. Jana Tichá, Czech Technical University of Prague

N module - Ethos of Unitarian Ministry
Thursday, March 21
10:50–11:00 Opening ceremony for N Module    
Training   Time Lecturer
11:00–11:45 Basic characteristics of Unitarian services around the world 45 min Petr Samojský  
12:00–12:45 Ministry in Unitarian fellowships and its changes  in time, current situation 45 min Maud Robinson
13:00–14:00 Lunch    
Training   Time Lecturer
14:00-14:45 Similarities and specifics of the ministry work in the Unitarian communities compared to other churches 45 min Maud Robinson
15:00–15:45 A question of collective identity, authority, voluntary consensus    
16:00–16:45 Ethos of Unitarian ministry - workshop   Vlastík Krejčí
17:00–17:45 Is ministry a teamwork? (Team of ministers in the community, ethos and meaning of ministerial boards,  joint projects) 45 min Marlin Lavanhar / zoom
18:00-19:00 Personal role of Unitarian minister, how is the personality reflected or not reflected in his/her work? 60 min  Petr Samojský, Vlastík Krejčí, Maud Robinson
19:30 Dinner    
Friday, March 22
07:30–08:30 Breakfast    
08:30–08:55 Service    
Training   Time Lecturer
09:00–09:45 Ministry in RSCU and its changes  in time 45 min Petr Samojský 
10:00–11:00 Czech Unitarian ministrers and their role in history 60 min Kristýna Ledererová
11:15–12:45 Ministry today - strengths / key problems (what to lean on? What are the challenges) / individual work of students, joint evaluation - summarizing workshop 90 min led by Kristýna Ledererová
12:45–14:00 Lunch    
P Module - Leadership
Friday, March 22
14:20–14:30 Opening ceremony for N Module    
Training   Time Lecturer
15:00–16:00 Leadership - opening seminar / workshop 60 min Vlastík Krejčí
16:15–17:00 People in the leadership of a Unitary community - what and who is needed, how to create a meaningful structure? 45  min Petr Samojský
17:15–18:00 What is important for the good leadership of a Unitarian community? (rules, principles, communication, structure...) 45 min Maud Robinson
18:15–19:00 RSCU Leadership for the next ten years 45 min debate / Kristýna Ledererová
19:00–20:00 Dinner    
20:00–20:45 Methodological seminary    
Saturday, March 23
07:30–08:30 Breakfast    
08:35–08:50 Service    
Training   Time Lecturer
09:00–09:45 The professional relationship berween the ministerial and lay-leadership of the congragation. What should it look like? 45  min Maud Robinson
10:00–11:30 Leading the church like a business company? 90 min Martin Balcar
12:00-13:00 Flexibility and stability - rules, bylaws, updates, competences, administration and finance 60 min Kristýna Ledererová
13:00–14:30 Lunch    
Training   Time Lecturer
14:30–15:30 Multigenerational congregation leadership 60 min Petr Samojský
15:45–16:30 Working in teams 45 min Jana Tichá
16:45–17:45 RSCU leadership - historical periods, characteristics, personalities 60 min Kristýna Ledererová 
18:00–19:00 Leading of Czech Unitarian congragations 45 min Discussion
17:30–19:00 Dinner    
od 19:00 Meeting for students and tutors    
Sunday, March 24
07:30–08:20 Breakfast    
08:20–08:50 Service    
Training   Time Lecturer
09:00–09:45 Unitarian leadership at the international level – Leading into the Future  45 min Kristýna Ledererová 
10:00–11:30 Conflict as an opportunity 120 min  
11:30–12:30 Lunch    
Training   Time Lecturer
12:30–15:00 Effective leadership of a non-profit organization, education of people in lay leadership, how to motivate… 150 min  Zuzana Zděnková
15:20–16:20 Leadership as an opportunity to move RSCU in the right direction? 60 min moderated debate